Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hi my name is Bailey. This is the very first entry in my very new blog called outside. I chose the theme Son of Moto to start off with because I enjoy the tranquil color of green that will border these pages. I made the address for this blog outcloistered.blogspot.tcom, I wanted it to be outcloseted but the one I chose sounds so much more magnifico not to mention *the limiting feeling that the other title provides. Anyway, it's called outside - which I already said, but that means that the blog itself - which I suppose represents my psyche, at least a projection of it, a fragmentation if you will, is outside the construction of language and the barriers it has created for life. Maybe language never created those barriers though.*bypassing

So outside. Like natureeeeeeeeeeeee

Like nature, lol

Outside of criticism and judgement and rules but all of that stuff is inside here. So paradox
it is also that.

Or maybe it really isn't quite perfect.

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